camp lejeune photographer

camp lejeune photographer

camp lejeune photographer

camp lejeune photographer

camp lejeune photographer

fort macon photographer

fort macon photographer

fort macon photographer

atlantic beach photographer

atlantic beach photographer

atlantic beach photographer

atlantic beach photographer

atlantic beach photographer

atlantic beach photographer

atlantic beach photographer

atlantic beach photographer

atlantic beach photographer

atlantic beach photographer

atlantic beach photographer

atlantic beach photographer

atlantic beach photographer

atlantic beach photographer

atlantic beach photographer

atlantic beach photographer

atlantic beach photographer

A lot of things are taking adjusting to down here. One of them is not the weather.

It is SO nice here, but it’s definitely interesting to see just how relative “nice weather” really is. Most of the parks near us are closed for winter, so it’s sometimes hard to find things to do outside– which we can’t wrap our heads around because it’s usually sunny and above 50 or 60 degrees… Area schools have even closed down a handful of times since we’ve been here because they forecasted ice the next day. If our school had done that growing up, we’d have had a four month snow day every year! While we await winter’s end, we’ve resorted to some rather touristy sight seeing so that we can still take advantage of the sunshine and warm temperatures. This weekend’s location was Fort Macon State Park.

I LOVE this park. Not only is it just gorgeous (really, it’s a photographer’s dream!), but the fort has mostly been left in its original state. They haven’t even put up railings or fences or anything. We just walked through the entire thing looking and touching and taking tons of pictures. Frank even took a lot of good ones, which is super impressive because it took him something like 10 minutes of practice to learn how to shoot with my 5d mark iii in manual mode (I’m having visions of a second shooter in the making!).

Until next time, enjoy Frank’s newfound talent and this beautiful park.

Atlantic Beach, North Carolina / North Carolina portrait photographer

  1. sarah slaunwhite says:

    awesome photos guys! :)

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